
Tweets From @Jesus Leave Some in a Twitter

What would Jesus tweet?

Every day some 100,000 people follow him on Twitter to learn just that.

In Biblical times, Jesus Christ’s followers traveled to distant lands to spread his teachings. Now the Son of God’s followers simply hit retweet, and the word is spread to millions.

Since Twitter’s creation in 2006, the social networking site has been steadily increasing in popularity. Around 50 million people now follow someone on the microblogging site, including religious figures like Jesus.

And Jesus is not the only historically religious figure with a Twitter account. God and Satan also have Twitter accounts.

So what does Jesus tweet?

@Jesus’ tweets things like: “#NewTwitter F**k yeah” and “Lost my ID so the waitress cut me off the water,” which pokes fun at John 2: 1-11, in which Jesus performs the miracle of turning water into wine.

And tweets from God?

@God’s Twitter account – which surprisingly has fewer followers than @Jesus – a mere 54,869 – are humorous, as well. For example, @God tweeted, “Can’t argue with this email: ‘@God why have you forsaken us? Why did you create Justin Bieber? I don’t believe you any more. I can’t.’ Sorry.”

Not to be outdone, @Satan’s tweets are pure evil.

The devil’s tweeted, “Back home from Kirghizstan. Lot of work. I need a beer now” and “is placing bombs on another offshore oil platform near you.”

Thankfully, Satan has the least number of followers, with only 17,681 Twitter users reading the devil’s updates.

Some Twitter users see the fun in these fictional accounts.

“I follow Jesus and Batman,” says John Miller, a Twitter addict who has had an account for a little over a year. “It keeps the characters from films, books and art alive. It lets us fill in the ‘lost fictional’story of these people or ideas.”

“Personally, I have only seen the Jesus account but satire has always been funny,” Miller says. “But of course, it is also disrespectful. When poking fun at anything it has the potential to be taken seriously. Since this is America, it’s legal, but since it is someone’s religion is involved, I don’t know if it’s completely right.”

Other Twitter users are completely against these Twitter deities, failing to see the humor in making fun of something that is serious to many.

“I personally do not follow fictional accounts,” says Katerina Torres, former Social Media Manager for GlobalGrind, a pop culture website. “Although I think they are intended with good humor in mind, some people do feel offended. I have been religious my entire life, and from that perspective I know that I am not gaining anything in following fictional Jesus and Satan twitters.”

“I cannot speak for the entire population, because there obviously are followers of Twitter Jesus,” Torres said. “But I feel like if you are following this kind of timeline for anything other than humor, you are not going to the correct outlet for your dose of the real Jesus,”

Jessica Forenfen, who has been working with the D.C. Metro Church in Alexandria, Va., for a little over a year, says she does not find the fictitious accounts that a few Twitter users have created for Biblical figures funny.

“If they are sharing the word from the Bible and speaking truth, that’s always good,” Forenfen said. “If they are speaking things that are false, then there lies a problem.”.